Unlock Success: Effective Strategies to Generate MLM Leads Online

Are you an aspiring network marketer looking to take your MLM business to new heights? One crucial aspect of achieving success in the MLM industry is consistently generating high-quality leads. In this blog post, we will explore proven strategies that can help you effectively acquire leads for your MLM business online. Get ready to unlock a wealth of opportunities and propel your MLM journey toward success.

Define your Target Audience

Understanding your target audience is fundamental to attracting the right leads. Start by identifying their demographics, interests, pain points, and aspirations. This knowledge will allow you to tailor your marketing efforts specifically to their needs, increasing the chances of capturing their attention and interest

Create Compelling Content

Photo by Judit Peter on Pexels.com

Content will ALWAYS be king, especially when it comes to online lead generation. Develop engaging and informative content that provides value to your target audience. Share valuable tips, industry insights, success stories, and advice that showcases you as an authority in your MLM niche. Use various content formats such as blog posts, videos, podcasts, and social media posts to cater to different preferences and maximize reach.

Leverage Social Media Platforms

Photo by Kerde Severin on Pexels.com

With billions of active users, social media platforms offer immense potential for MLM lead generation. Identify the platforms where your target audience is most active and create a strong presence there. Share your compelling content, engage with your audience through comments and direct messages, and leverage paid advertising features for targeted campaigns.

Implement Opt-In Email Marketing

Photo by Torsten Dettlaff on Pexels.com

Building an email list is a powerful method of capturing leads and nurturing relationships with potential customers. Offer valuable resources or exclusive content in exchange for email addresses, such as ebooks, guides, or industry reports. Send regular newsletters with informative content, promotions, and personalized offers to keep your leads engaged and interested in what you have to offer.

Collaborate with Influencers

Influencer marketing has become an effective means of connecting with your target audience. Identify influencers within your MLM niche who have a strong online presence and a substantial following. Collaborate on content, giveaways, or endorsements to tap into their audience and attract potential leads who trust their recommendations.

Engage in Online Communities and Forums

Photo by Mikael Blomkvist on Pexels.com

Participating in relevant online communities and forums allows you to connect with like-minded individuals interested in your MLM business. Offer value by sharing your expertise, answering questions, and providing insightful contributions. Include a compelling call-to-action (CTA) in your forum signature or profile directing interested individuals to a specific landing page or lead capture form.

In Conclusion

Generating leads for your MLM business online requires strategic planning, consistent effort, and providing genuine value to your audience. By defining your target audience, creating compelling content, and leveraging social media platforms, opt-in email marketing, influencer collaborations, and online communities, you can consistently attract high-quality leads primed for your MLM opportunity. Embrace these strategies, adapt them to your unique branding, and watch as your online lead-generation efforts unlock new levels of success.

Remember, success in MLM comes from building meaningful connections and establishing yourself as a trusted authority. Combine these strategies with perseverance, authenticity, and a focus on delivering value, and you’ll be well on your way to achieving remarkable results in your MLM journey. Get ready to soar!

Now it’s your turn! Which online lead generation strategy are you most excited to implement for your MLM business? Share your thoughts in the comments below and let’s unlock success together!

Thank you for reading our blog post on effective strategies to generate MLM leads online! We hope you found it valuable and insightful. If you gained any useful information or have any questions, we encourage you to leave a comment below. We love hearing from our readers and engaging in discussions.

Additionally, if you believe this post can benefit others in the MLM community, we would appreciate it if you could share it on your preferred social media platforms. Sharing is caring, and by spreading the knowledge, you can help others unlock success in their MLM journey too.

I look forward to your comments and seeing this valuable information reach more aspiring network marketers.

Melissa Diaz
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P.S. Are you ready to take your MLM journey to the next level? Click here to join the fastest-growing opportunity in the history of the industry! By taking the free tour, you can lock in your spot and start receiving exclusive team bonuses. Don’t miss out on this incredible chance to be a part of our thriving community and pave the way toward your own success. Click now and embark on an exciting new chapter in your MLM business!

My Lead Gen System Tutorial|4 Tips On Making Sales From The MLGS Leads By TOP EARNER Mike Hobbs

If you’re using MLGS leads and aren’t making any sales, I’d highly suggest you stop what you’re doing and watch this “My Lead Gen Secret tutorial” by Top Earner online Mike Hobbs.

I happen to know to value that Mike Hobbs provides to the marketplace so not only do I follow him, but I also opt-in to his email.

Today I happened to get an email that said the following:

And I quote:

“Hi Melissa

We get questions about MLGS or My Lead Gen Secret leads all the time in our group.  

Most of the time the questions are about why they get so many clicks from the traffic without any sales. 

So in today’s video, I will be giving you some tips on putting the “sales” odds in your favor using these leads

My Lead Gen Secret tutorial

Even if you are not using these leads, the video may be of value if using or buying any kind of leads you don’t generate yourself. 

Make it a great day!

~Mike Hobbs”

So OF COURSE I clicked on the link and watched the video simply because I consider myself an eternal student…lol.

Anyway, I decided to immediately share it with my audience

This is what this My Lead Gen Secret System Tutorial post will be covering:

  1. 4 Tips on Making Sales From My Lead Gen Secret Leads
  2. Tip #1 – Don’t Send People To a Sales Page
  3. Tip #2 Don’t expect normal conversion numbers
  4. Tip #3 – Promote Residual Income Products
  5. Tip #4 – Don’t expect too much from this traffic source, ESPECIALLY at first.
  6. My Two Cents about Mike Hobb’s My Lead Gen Secret System Tutorial

4 Tips on Making Sales From My Lead Gen Secret Leads

Attraction Marketing System

Tip #1 – Don’t Send People To a Sales Page

Mike advises sending people to a capture page because they aren’t real leads unless they’ve opted into YOUR website. When you buy the My Lead Gen Secret Mailer, you are buying people to market to, NOT leads.

He says that until these “leads” actually give YOU their email, you are not buying a lead. If you’re sending the MLGS leads to a capture page and you get the person to give you their email then you know that it’s a good traffic source and that it’s a real lead.


Let’s say you sent 8000 clicks to a capture page and all of a sudden you got a hundred leads (which is a bad ratio), now you actually have some data to work with. You have a hundred leads you can actually work with. You can follow up with them, you can send them value, You can actually convert those people into REAL sales at that point

Tip #2 Don’t expect normal conversion numbers

Mike says that a lot of this kind of traffic is BOTS or fake to make the numbers look better than they are. A lot of these leads are sold to multiple people so there are hundreds of marketers also emailing the SAME EXACT leads, so don’t expect really good numbers.

Even if you send let’s say 10,000 clicks to a capture page, Mike says that he wouldn’t expect the 20% normal opt-in rate. He says he’ll treat it like a traffic exchange where it’s maybe a 1% opt-in rate.

That’s pretty bad because the whole point of building any business online is to get QUALITY LEADS in front of your capture page…

People who are actually interested in what you have to offer. That’s why Attraction Marketing is SO MUCH BETTER because the leads that you are getting from an attraction marketing strategy are actually people who are already interested in your product, services, or business opportunity.

I wrote a blog on how to get leads using attraction marketing here.

Tip #3 – Promote Residual Income Products

So many people are promoting Clickbank offers (myself included) and they get a sale, but it’s not residual income.

I honestly wish I would have heard this tutorial sooner but I am glad I did because now I can share it with you.

I have made sales from Clickbank products using the My Lead Gen Secret leads but when you promote residual income products, your customer value goes up and so do your profits.

Tip #4 – Don’t expect too much from this traffic source, ESPECIALLY at first.

Some people who get sales from MLGS actually tell you that you have to have 5-10 accounts and you’ll start seeing good results in 12-18 months. My Lead Gen Secret membership costs $30 a month. If you have 5-10 accounts it’s going to cost $150-$300 a month.

It’s important to add another marketing strategy in order to generate leads such as content marketing or video marketing.

There are so many ways to generate a lead for your online business rather than putting your egg in one basket.

Attraction Marketing System

My Two Cents about Mike Hobb’s My Lead Gen Secret System Tutorial

I’ve been following Mike since 2012 and all I have seen him provide is 100% value as an Internet Marketer. So I pretty much trust any tips that he gives when it comes to internet marketing and generating leads.

As far as my experience with the MLGS leads, I’ve gotten sales but he’s right about the conversion rates.

It’s very low compared to other strategies that I use to generate leads online.

As a marketer, I won’t undermine any type of traffic so I am still using it but I’m not going to waste $150-$300 on it and have a bunch of accounts.

There are better ways to generate traffic.

But traffic is the heart of any online business and the more eyeballs you get to your capture page, the better chances you’ll have of getting a lead.

Just make sure that you’re promoting to an audience that is actually looking for what you have to offer. MLGS leads are business opportunity seeker leads. They are also cold leads which means that they have no idea who you are so it’s harder to convert. I usually send them to a capture page with an offer that provides lots of value and residual income.

I’m not going to lie and say that I didn’t send them to a Clickbank offer, but I got BETTER results from my own offer.

If you want to know more information on the My Lead Gen Secret Mailer, you can check out my review here

If you found these 4 tips on making My Lead Gen Secret Sales Helpful,  please do me a favor and like, comment, and share this content. If it’s now for you, simply share it with someone with that you know this content may benefit.

Thanks for reading!

I’m glad I was able to share this My Lead Gen Secret Tutorial by Top Earner Mike Hobbs.

Stay blessed,

Your partner in success,

Melissa Diaz
Whatsapp: 1-787-421-3372 (serious inquiries only)
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PS – This Side Gig is a great way to stack up some wealth on the side of whatever you are promoting primarily, check it out here

Attraction Marketing Method – 7 Step Attraction Marketing Method To Create a POWERFUL Marketing Strategy for YOUR Business

attraction marketing method

If you’re building an online business you’ve probably come across the term “attraction marketing.”

Believe it or not, most people ignore this term and as a result, fail miserably in their online business.

What’s even CRAZIER is that they’ll join some other deal because of the “shiny object syndrome” and simply refuse to use an attraction marketing method to attract leads, and will just start pitching their offer without building any type of rapport.

Sound familiar?

The truth is that I’m actually 100% guilty of this behavior in the past…

I would find something to promote, spam inboxes, and I pitched my offer to friends, family, and or complete strangers on social media.

I really didn’t have a marketing plan in place because I just didn’t even know that I had to have one.

and it’s not really my fault because at the end of the day…I didn’t know any better.

It’s what I was taught…

and if you’ve been taught this…

you can STILL start building your business the RIGHT way.

Actually, MOST home business owners don’t even know that they need a marketing plan let alone how to use an attraction marketing method.

In today’s article, I will talk more about attraction marketing. I will explain what it is and how you can use proven attraction marketing strategies to bring more people in to your business or buy your offer or services.

What is Attraction Marketing?

Table of Contents

  1. What Is Attraction Marketing
  2. Attraction Marketing Vs. Your Upline Sponsor (Funny Video)
  3. 7 Step Attraction Marketing Method To Create a POWERFUL Marketing Strategy for YOUR Business
  4. Step 1 – Brand Yourself
  5. Step 2 – Define Audience
  6. Step 3 – Understanding your audience’s challenges
  7. Step 4 – Create Content that Addresses Your Audiences Challenges
  8. Step 5- Build A Relationship with your audience
  9. Step 6 – Uncover their pain and provide the PAIN KILLER
  10. Step 7 – Embrace Multiple Streams of Income
  11. 7 Step Attraction Marketing Method Infographic
  12. Bottom Line

What Is Attraction Marketing

Attraction Marketing Method is basically helping

In a nutshell or simply put…

Attraction marketing is a method or strategy that attracts potential prospects or customers to you who are ALREADY INTERESTED in buying what you have to offer…

How cool is that…

Imagine someone just taking out their credit card and buying whatever service or product that you’re offering on-demand.

Using the attraction marketing method will help set you apart, it clearly defines your potential customer’s wants, needs, and desires so that you are able to serve them better.


Just imagine people contacting YOU to get more information about YOUR business and YOUR products.

The two biggest reasons why people quit or fail in their home-based business is because they either run out of money or leads.

The reason that they run out of leads is that they just don’t know to generate a lead that’s actually looking for what they have to offer.

It’s pretty painful to join a home-based business and have to quit because you don’t know how to get leads to join you or buy your product.

Attraction Marketing Vs. Your Upline Sponsor (Funny Video)

I honestly found this video hilarious…

If you ever joined a business opportunity and the very first thing that your sponsor told you to do was to make a list of your friends and family, then you should watch this video.

Attraction Marketing vs. Your Upline Sponsor
Attraction Marketing System

If you resonate with this video in any way…

Believe me…

You’re NOT alone!

I remember back in the day when I first joined an MLM, my sponsor told me to make a list of 100 people which included my family friends, people I went to church with, my beautician, random waitresses-YOU NAME IT.

and I did it…

Until people started avoiding me…

Unfortunately, MLM sponsors are STILL telling their downline to make a list of friends and family.

And I’m not saying that’s a bad thing because at the end of the day it’s important to practice the way you do a presentation…

But what if you run out of people?

Then what?

When you use attraction marketing strategies to promote your business opportunity in a proper way, you’ll NEVER run out of leads or people to talk to.

Mind you…

This problem isn’t only with business opportunities or MLM..

It’s basically a problem that most people who sell stuff have…

But this post will hopefully alleviate that pain.

7 Step Attraction Marketing Method To Create a POWERFUL Marketing Strategy for YOUR Business

I gathered this 7-Step Attraction Marketing Method that I learned from my mentors who are Top Earners online.

With consistent use of this strategy then you should be able to get positive results in your business REGARDLESS of what you promote online.

Without further ado, let’s get to the 7-Step Attraction Marketing Method

Step 1 – Brand Yourself

Photo by Caio on Pexels.com

What sets you apart from every other affiliate, distributor, or sales rep in your company?

If you’re having trouble branding yourself, I’m going to try to help you out so it can be a little bit easier

Just ask and answer these three questions and you’ll figure out your brand.

  1. What problems have you had in your life that you no longer have? Make a list of what problem your product or service solves.
  2. What did you go through or learn as a result of that problem?
  3. What can you now teach others that have the same problem?

You need to brand yourself because people join people NOT companies…

You’ll be seen as the expert and a leader…

People are looking for someone to take them from A-Z.

They are looking for leadership.

Branding yourself establishes you as a leader.

Attraction Marketing System

Step 2 – Define Audience

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

You really need to be crystal clear on who exactly your audience is before you even consider growing your business. A lot of times people will sell to everyone and speak to everyone when in reality speaking to everyone is actually speaking to NO ONE…

I know it sounds crazy…

But imagine this…

Would you sell hotdogs to a bunch of vegans?

You have to know exactly who your target market is, where they are hanging out, and the questions they are asking.

It’s your duty and obligation to know the pain that they are going through so that you can provide them with a pain killer…PERIOD.

Ask yourself…

Who’s life are you going to impact?

Who are you going to serve?

Step 3 – Understanding your audience’s challenges

Photo by u0410u043du043du0430 u0420u044bu0436u043au043eu0432u0430 on Pexels.com

I explained this in step one. Once you’re really crystal clear on who exactly your audience or target market is, take time to research about them. Find out what their biggest challenges and problems are. What are their biggest pain points? What are their questions or their biggest desires? You need to brainstorm and figure this out since it will help you be successful in your business.

Write it down…

Attraction Marketing System

Step 4 – Create Content that Addresses Your Audiences Challenges

Photo by Judit Peter on Pexels.com

Once you figure out and understand your audience’s challenges, you need to start creating content on a daily basis that provides a solution to their challenges and problems.

You can create blog posts, videos, Facebook posts or use any social media platform to provide value that answers all of their questions and addresses their dreams and desires.

Step 5- Build A Relationship with your audience

Photo by Polina Zimmerman on Pexels.com

Have you ever gotten a message from someone spamming their business on social media?

Did you wonder why that person did that and didn’t try to get to know you FIRST?

For some reason, when we join business opportunities or start selling our products and services we get weird…LOL

People buy stuff from people they know like, know and trust. It’s always been that way and it will ALWAYS be that way.

Your prospects and or potential customers are HUMAN BEINGS-so treat them that way. Be genuine, kind, empathic, and helpful. Let them know that you really care.

Step 6 – Uncover their pain and provide the PAIN KILLER

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com

How to you uncover a person’s pain?

By simply having a conversation with them…

By asking the RIGHT questions…

If you learn who exactly your prospect is and what pain they are going through, you can actually provide a solution with your product and service.

Get to know them first.

Step 7 – Embrace Multiple Streams of Income

Photo by Alexander Mils on Pexels.com

If you online have one income, it’s going to be nearly impossible to create financial freedom online. All top earners understand this theory and therefore create multiple streams of income that serve their audience.

It’s important to master this attraction marketing method in order to do so.

Here’s an infographic of everything that I just explained

Attraction Marketing System

7 Step Attraction Marketing Method Infographic

Here’s an attraction marketing method infographic that will hopefulyl make it a bit more simple

MLSP 7 Step Attraction Marketing Method Infographic

Bottom Line

Bottom Line

The very bottom of the infographic it gives you 3 simple steps:

  1. Build
  2. Engage
  3. Sell

If you’re ever feeling overwhelmed or lost in the midst of growing your business simply come back to the BES foundation. If you EXCLUSIVELY focus your mindset and your energy to these three activities every single day, you can and WILL succeed.

We get paid for bringing value to the marketplace. It takes time,… but we get paid for the value, not the time.

If you found the 7 Step Attraction Marketing Method informative and/or helpful, please do me a favor and like, comment, and share this content. If it’s now for you, simply share it with someone that you know this article will benefit

Stay blessed,

Your partner in success,

Melissa Diaz
Whatsapp: 1-787-421-3372 (serious inquiries only)
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